イベント時間 /
2021/05/01(土) 14:00(+0800)
イベント場所 /
羣島Shaka islands-高雄一定要來的最Chill高雄酒吧&高雄餐廳&高雄水煙 (813004, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Zuoying District, Xinzhuangzi Rd, 46號)
イベントチケット /
Door Price
Early Bird 2 早鳥票
主催者 /
直到黑夜降臨 紫光燈照射出每個人心中的幻想
我們慢慢的沈浸在黑的意念 讓霓虹綻放
Spectrum Events 將喚醒沈睡已久的派對動物們
早鳥票1- 1000 NT
Early Bird 1 - 1000 NT
早鳥票2- 1200 NT
Early Bird 2 - 1200 NT
現場票$ 1500NT
Door $1500NT
*All tickets include a specified open bar.
包廂-6000 NT(4人)包廂+紀念商品
Table - 6000 NT (4 people) Selected Open Bar + Seating+ Merchandise
VIP - 12000 NT (5 people) Selected Open Bar + Seating + Table Service + Merchandise + Champagne
VVIP-15000 NT(6人)6張暢飲票+VVIP座位+桌邊服務+紀念商品+香檳+烈酒
VVIP - 15000 NT (6 people) Selected open bar + Seating + Table service + Merchandise + Champagne + Bottle of Spirit
TICKET LINK / 票務鏈接::
14:00-15:00 - DZRT FRST
15:00-16:30 - OMEGA
16:30-18:00 - TOMMY
18:00-19:30 - MARCUS AURELIUS
19:30-21:00- MR.SKIN
黑夜降臨 紫光燈照射出每個人心中的幻想
我們慢慢的沈浸在黑的意念 讓霓虹綻放
The theme of this event is to be 'black' and 'neon'. This is whatever your interpretation of it to be. Come and join the party in the same type of colors.
If you don't have the clothing, worry not!
We have body painters providing us with a stall to have some body paint.
Don't forget to bring and wear your masks!
6.未滿 18 歲不得入場及未帶證件謝絕入場 (請攜帶可用證件供主辦單位查驗,可用證件: 身分證件、駕照、健保卡或護照)。
8.本單位對於行為不當者 (違法行為或嚴重妨礙其他消費者) 將帶離活動現場外不得再入內。
12.任何個人因素退票需負擔 10% 手續費,活動前十天將不再受理退票。
1. Keep your ticket safe. If the ticket is lost or damaged, the ticket holder will be responsible for it, and the organizer does not bear the responsibility for replacement of the ticket.
2. All tickets sold are final and no refunds or exchanges are permitted UNLESS expressly permitted by policies of the organizer.
3. This ticket reserves the right to the selected open bar within the event and food within the event. This ticket does not include outside food and beverages. They must be consumed outside the venue of discarded before the event.
4. The venue operator or event promoter may be exclusive owner of all copyrights and other proprietary rights to the Event and Event Information.
5. Those under the age of 18 are not allowed to enter the venue. The event organization reserves the right to deny any ticket holder entry into the premises if the holder does not meet this criterion.
6. Please drink responsibly in the event venue, and to pay attention as to not drink and drive from the event. The management of the event has the right to refuse you service if you are deemed by management as “disorderly” or “intoxicated”.
7. If the holder is deemed to be disorderly, intoxicated, use vulgar or abusive language or violate any other venue rule or regulation. Management of the event reserves the right to inspect and/or search all persons, packages, bags entering the premises AS well as the right to ask the holder to leave the premises.
8. This Ticket may not be used for advertising, promotion or other trade purposes without the express written consent of Spectrum Events. This ticket may not be resold in violation of any local law or regulation. All violations will be sent to the Police authorities.
9. If you see any suspicious, dangerous, or violating behavior or people who are unwell at the scene, please notify the nearby on-site staff immediately.
10. All ticket holders must have masks, specifically non-valved multi-layer cloth masks, to prevent transmission of any potential sicknesses or COVID-19. The management reserves the right to refuse the ticket holder entry on the premises if they refuse to wear a mask. Masks will be provided by the management or purchased at the nearest convenience store. If you feel unwell, please seek assistance from our event organizers.
11. If the Ticket Customer fails to pay any amount owed following a letter of demand for payment, Spectrum Events may engage a third party collection agent or a law firm for the purposes of collection, in which case, in addition to the total amount owed, the Ticket Customer shall also be liable for all of our costs, expenses and charges for bringing against the Ticket Customer such legal action including any court and legal fees, collection agents or attorney's costs, and judicial interest as is prescribed by law.
Should you require further assistance with the ticketing platform or organization, please get in touch with us through email through our email address spectrumeventsofficial@gmail.com.